Category News

Dear Client

This is a challenging time for all and we don't want to cause further panic. Instead, we're putting measures in place so we can best support you, our clients.

What is Coronavirus?

COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus that has infected more than 142,000 individuals in 134 countries, causing the World Health Organization (WHO) to classify this outbreak as a pandemic on March 11, 2020.  President Cyril Ramaphosa quickly followed and enforced certain measures to combat this pandemic.

Symptoms include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Anyone experiencing emergency signs such as difficulty breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion or bluish lips or face should immediately seek medical attention.

What is the risk of exposure to coronavirus?

Older adults and people who have severe underlying chronic medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness. The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person and the best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. We urge you to monitor your health and practice social distancing. Social distancing means staying out of crowded places, avoiding group gatherings, and maintaining distance (approximately 1.5 metres and more) from others when possible. 


What does this mean?

  1. We will ask and request all clients to disclose to us, if they have travelled recently, or have any signs of respiratory illness.

  1. Viewings / Inspections
  • If deemed necessary, we will assess the risk based on your specific location.
  • We might also propose alternative marketing opportunities for your consideration, such as video tours and other methods to virtually tour a property.
  • If we do hold an open house or arrange for a viewing with clients, we will be requiring all visitors to disinfect their hands upon entering the home, take off their shoes, limiting the amount of people in the home and no touching of anything whatsoever.
  • After the open house/viewing, we recommend that you clean and disinfect your home, especially commonly touched areas like doorknobs and faucet handles.

  1. Meetings at C4 Property Group's offices
  • We will not allow any meetings to be held at our offices, stakeholders will take measures to hold virtual meetings when possible, and potentially postpone or cancel in-person meetings or events to take to limit close contact between individuals.

  1. Inspections
  • Consider whether the visit can be delayed. 
  • If it is unavoidable, for example an urgent repair, then visitors should avoid contact with the affected tenant and, again, follow hygiene guidance.

  • The process of an in and outgoing inspection will be communicated to the tenants prior to arranging your timeslot.
  • Kindly note that we will be much harsher should you not comply with the rules and terms agreed to in your contract, as you need to respect our employee's risks, time and health.

  1. Early Terminations
  • NO early terminations will be accommodated during this challenging period.

  1. Maintenance
  • Maintenance issues should be reported and contractors will attend to emergencies during this time.
  • Quotes for nonessential repairs will be obtained, circulated and scheduled (if so possible), to stakeholders, in a safe manner to avoid possible infections to either party (resident or contractor)

  1. Contractors
  • We requested all contractors to practice safe hygiene standards.
  • Everyone has been instructed to ensure they regularly sanitize their hands before entering any property and whilst on site.

We request that all residents, be diligent, to safeguard your and other resident's health by respecting the restrictions that was put in place by government. 

Finally, we urge you to remain calm, stay informed and use your best judgment during these uncertain times.

Kind regards,

C4 Team

Author: Melanie Lloyd

Submitted 25 Mar 20 / Views 1263